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We bid farewell to more staff in July 2019. Mr Dickerson, Miss Boyle, Mrs Bennett and Mrs Mildon, we will miss you all.

In June 2019 we said goodbye to Mrs Richardson. We wish her the best of luck for the future.

Foundation Stage’s topic for this term is Transport. We have been talking about being safe on the road so we went into Georgetown to see and learn how to use the zebra crossing. We stopped, looked both ways and listened before we crossed. We were very happy that all of the cars stopped to let us cross.

The school received a surprise gift of some amazing books from the Don Hanson Charitable Trust. The trust sent out books to 10,000 primary schools in UK and all the schools across the British Overseas Territories. They are fabulous books which have information about a wealth of things including the plants and animals that live and grow on Ascension. The books are on the shelves outside the Pastoral room in the hall, come in and have a look. Here are year 1 and 2 sharing the books.